Sep 10, 2005 23:45
well, u shall no longer hear of my whining of mc donalds and there evilness, lol. i have quite but not as in no absolute plan for money, i got beter. thats right checkers hired me on the spot when i went in for an interview, oh wait no one understands this, lol. one day after work i got tired of sneaking mc donalds food out :) i decided to eat at checkers for once since its right down the street. one of the manegers saw my uniform and...dumbly...asked if i worked at mcdonalds. after a little while he asked if i would like to work for them. i said no the first time, cause im thinking of evaluation with a chance of o say a 10cent raise, lol. he finally preswades me when he offers 6 bucks, i knew that was a lie, but i decided to take an app anyway, a few days later im in the interview and i get hired on the spot with 5.60 starting!! that may not seem much...even to me trust me...but its better then 5.15. so when i went to go get my check the very same day i told my boss and he told me to make today my last day without the whole 2 week notice thing, and i even gave him the chance to win me back by matching or topping the price but no deal, lol. i go in for paperwork for checkers monday and just watch, i'll get tired of them too, lmao. luv and byes all!