
May 03, 2006 18:40

Don't Warn the Tadpoles won three awards at the Bodice Ripper Awards! ::squee:: It won First Place for Best Humor Fic, Second Place for Best Het Pairing Fic & Judges Choice. Thank you to those of you who voted for me.

Congrats also need to go to cornerofmadness & maddogs991 for their wins.

This was very welcome news in a stressful week. We had a job fair yesterday. 'Nough said. I brought work home on Monday and I have more to do tonight. My days are very busy playing catch-up from being out of the office yesterday. ::grumbles:: So if you've noticed that I've been more quiet than usual lately - and not on YIM, it's because I'm either working of playing catch-up from not being able to read at work anymore.

awards, work

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