
Apr 01, 2010 15:00

I am reading the stupid self-help book that the happily married and breeding ex sent me and as suspected it's complete dumbed-down bilge.

However there's this incy wincy chapter that talks about a 'happiness diary' and discusses the merits of constructive writing for such a thing. Interesting. I'm doing it. I expect to transform into a little bouncy charming bundle of fluff any minute now only I have a lingering suspicion that being a little bouncy charming bundle of fluff is not entirely in my nature (as the scorpion said to the frog...) but maybe that's just the cynicism talking. Maybe the cynicism will be banished when I finish my 'happiness diary'. Or maybe it's a load of bollocks. Time will tell. So far there are the two perfect mini daffodils blooming outside my boat window, the Easter egg my line manager gave me, and playing with Pete's dog in the 'happiness diary' - I have a feeling that's a bit lame.

Today is Maundy Thursday and as a civil servant this means I have a half day off. No idea why, something to do with the queen and alms I imagine. Anyway I shall not waste it, nonono, for I am about to go Drinking. Heh. And tomorrow there' s a major work offensive on the local pubs planned, beginning sensibly with breakfast at Henry's ("and she said yes I remember the film and as I recall I think we both kinda liked it...") and that's exactly where the planning ends, but I have a feeling it's going to get messy, and some of the filth are joining us I believe, so possibly messy and embarrassing. The boys have been given strict instructions to save me from myself if the bod from CID I like turns up, but spring's sprung and my libido is up so they've got no hope of stopping me should the mood so take me.

Ah bank holidays, aren't they just lush?
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