May 28, 2009 14:54
So for the past few weeks, I've been really diving into the research needed for Chris' early Elizabethan costume. I really wish I could put organizational folders in my head. German research has been seeping in and contaminating my thoughts and ideas for the English bits! *grumbles* Maybe it's because I don't have the personal face to face help with the new project as I had from Cher with my Germans.
The main problem I am having at the moment is color references. I already have the dyes that were available during that time/place, but it doesn't mean that a middle class citizen would have worn an orange doublet and blue pants. (Damn Landsknechte and their crazy colors) I have a few references for the middle class, but not nearly as many as I want.
And then comes the part of the English being fashion leaches! Almost as bad as the ancient Romans and their gods! There's French this and Spanish that! If I look at a painting, I can usually say, "Hey, that's German!" But if you put a French and an English portrait next to each other, I get all flermunkled. The UK needs to document all of their stuff like the Germans did with BildIndex.
*grumble grumble*