Jan 18, 2008 18:32
So I put out a bunch of resume's today. One was for the mutter museum in philly cause it seems they need a receptionist. Than I found something that sounds really interesting it's for a little known company in Souderton that auctions sports and auto graphs.They needed a receptionist too.So I got a job interview for next week. It is very causual I can come into work in jeans and a tee shirt if I want since I will be primarily using the computer.And it has 401 and bene's!The hours are great too. Done on friday's at 2. Only 2 days a month do I have to stay late.So let's hope I ace this interview.Not that I'm really, really, worried.I just want to get back to normal life and a normal job.I will still try to pick up a couple of night at ruby tuesday's for the extra cash now that I'm at the new store.It's a whole different world and I much better run ship.That asshole I had for a manager got fired ha!And at least at this place you can eat off the plates. I wouldn't have given my dog a meal at the old place.So it looks like things are going in the right direction.