Yoo hoo...not dead!

Dec 30, 2009 09:30

Sheesh, I just realized that I haven't posted here in a looooong time!  Chalk it up to Facebook addiction and the attention span of a gnat for the past little while.  I haven't really been doing much internal reflection and my journal seems to be suffering for it.

Not too much has happened, which is another reason that I am not exactly verbose lately.  The apartment in Seattle is getting homier as I actually sort through my life and put things away.  Mom is a pain in the tuchus but striving diligently to be less so (not much she can do about a lot of it).  We are finally sorting through the family mess.  I am studying for the bar (again, damnit) and finding out that I am doomed to be in employment limbo until I pass.  If I apply with my law degree on my resume (if I leave it off I have a strange 3 year gap in my work history) I am overqualified for any non-legal position; if I apply for a legal job they want someone with more experience and/or already HAS passed the bar.  Damned if I do and damned if I don't....damnit!

Family mess....not sure where to begin or even if I want to.  My family has basically split itself down the middle since my grandfather's death.  It is regregrettable, but was inevitable.  Grump was the last link between my mom and her sister and the schism basically took care of itself before I even moved back West.  There has been some fall-out and I was honestly dreading Christmas simply because I had no idea what would happen.  If any of you know my family, you know we are over-dramatic at the best of times... the worst can look like a nuclear holocaust.  Oddly enough Christmas was a bit anti-climactic.  Calm, peaceful and pleasant.  No real drama, lots of kids tossing wrapping paper and freezing cold weather.  My aunt called to wish my sister a Merry assuming mom and I would be there (we had left for home).  No screaming, no crap flying about, so here is crossed fingers that we can at least be civil.

Right now my life feels a bit like I am in limbo.  I have one more milestone to pass before things really start moving forward.  Right now I am just cleaning away the detritus in preparation for the next leg of the race....hopefully I will make strides.


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