Girlfriend Application... oooh fun

Jan 03, 2005 13:30

Name: Kendra
Age: umm almost legal
Birthday: March 1
Zodiac: Pisces
Why do you want to be my girlfriend: your hott, and i miss not talking to you
Hobbies: scuba diving, coloring, hanging out with my friends, playing video games
Favorite Bands: Bowling for Soup, New Found Glory, Green Day, Blink 182
Do you like to stay in shape: what shape are we talking about?
Sheets or no sheets: mm 1 on the bottom
Do you snore: no but I talk in my sleep
Do you snort when you laugh?: nope
What side of the bed do you prefer: the one next to the wall... unless your there holding me so I don't fall out of bed
Favorite color: PINK
Play any instruments: mm not really
Do you believe in love at first sight: yeah
Do you smoke: not much not often
Favorite movie: Braveheart
Can you cook: yup
Cry during sad movies: mm not much
How many guys have you been with: 1
Are you religious, if so what religion: Pagan
Dreamer or more down to earth: Dreamer
Favorite day of the week: Friday
Spontaneous or no: some
Stay in or go out: go out... unless its alone time then I want it to us alone
Do you like to be alone some times: yeah...
Most important part of a relationship: trusting each other enough to be individuals within the relationship
Why should i pick you: Cuz I love you
Your best feature: my eyes... they change colors
Why would you make a great girlfriend: loving and caring and fun to be with
What do you like best about me: your happy even when things suck
How would you make me happy: be yours and give you space when you need it
How many relationships have you had: 1
Least important thing in a relationship: being attached to each other all the damn time
If we started cuddling... what would you do: get closer...
Its 3 am and i am feeling lonely i call you and want to hang out... you do: get dressed and wait for you to come get me
Its my birthday...I want a would: get you something you've wanted but dont want to buy
How would you show me that you really like me in person: hugs and kisses from me
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