Oct 10, 2004 08:45
And so begins yet another term of Liberal government.
However, feeling is that Mark has a great chance next election - people were evidently fairly well disposed to him, but felt that they idn't know him well enough.
There has been debating on aussielj about the whole thing. What worries me is that so many people voted Liberal for reasons which were fairly transparent lies.
Of course, what also worries me is that it's three more years of detention centres, casual labour, lack of sufficient bulk-billing, favouritism of the rich in education, and well, basically everything else, three more years of endorsed sexism and racism, fucking up of the environment and three more years of trigger-happy maniacs in charge of my country.
I have not slept - I was wound up last night and after attempts at sleep for a couple of hours, I went out at 5:30ish for a long walk and to get the Sunday paper.
It's looking overcast but like it will fine up soon.
I'm also really frigging hungry and the peaches and apple I had aren't doing the job. Not much other breakfast food about, though.
I am working on my back walkover. After having boasted that I could do one, I find that I am still falling over when I attempt it, despite extra push-ups and stretches. I could do this since I was 9! When did my body stop obeying me? I think my stomach muscles still need more work, and my arms, and it wouldn't hurt to lose a little weight, esp around the hips and thighs, for better flexibility and less weight to support (although my leg muscles are buff, yo - lol) - looks like it's time to get heavier weights, up my aerobic activity and be vigilant with my stretching. I'm having a little trouble because the gym is so expensive. I have wanted to try martial arts for ages, and there is a place which offers Kali, amongst other things, in Blacktown, and I think they have a good gym there, too. It's still kind of expensive, though. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...