Suicide: what do you think?

Nov 25, 2005 13:54

I am a student in Seattle working on my Masters degree in Mental Health Counseling. Some classmates and I are working on a project together in our "Ethics and Professional Issues in the Helping Profession" class on the ethics around suicide. We wanted to explore more than our own views on suicide ethics though. (This is where you come in.) The point of me writing this LJ entry for the entire internet world to see is so that I can get a wide range of stories and opinions. If you choose to answer the following questions please be honest, but do not use full names.

The questions will be addressed as past tense occurrences. (If suicide is a current consideration for you, please feel free to share your story and consider contacting your local crisis center.)

Have you ever seriously considered suicide? Why?
Have you ever attempted suicide? (If different from the answer above, why?)
Did you seek help? If so, why and how? If not, why?
What prevented or stopped you from completing/attempting suicide?
What are your beliefs around a counselor's mandated reporting of a client's danger to self or others?
How do you feel about the ethics around suicide?

Thank you for answering my questions.