Proper Post Coming soon, until then PICTURES! :D

Dec 20, 2010 00:12

A.k.a Tumblr rape.
Yes, I got a tumblr.  Yes I am a trendwhore it seems. No I regret nothing. lol
Anyway. It means I have many sexy pictures for you that I found there. heee!
I should be working >< AGAIN.

Also a proper post will come eventually. Probably to do with comics and christmas stuff.
Also I'm going to put all my fanfics in one place at some point.

Until then - picture sexiness!
(with a massive doctor who bias it seems ><)

Oh god, that face <3

Kronk and Yzma form the best Disney movie ever, 'the emperor's new groove'. I fyou've not watched it DO IT NOW. i'll wait ;)

More Master. For I'm a Master fangirl. Esp Simm!Master.

My Chemical Romance goodness. I can't frakkin' wait to see them again in February!

A young wet John barrowman. yes please XD

d'aww. We need Captain Jack to meet up with 11 again methinks.

Have some more of him being eaten by a shark.
You know, sometimes i'm not sure with John Barrowman. He's pretty as hell but so damn cheesy at time sit puts me off. But then he has that cheeky smile. Darn his adorable smile. XD

Speaking of adorable smiles...
(also more spacesuit!porn XD)

Why do I love that spacesuit so much? why? XD


He's so damn happy and evil


"Oi. Stop that."


"aww. Ok."

"lol just kidding. EVIL TIEMZ!"

And finally....

Epic picture of BBC!Sherlock is epic.

I hope you enjoyed this, midears ;)

picture post, disney, sherlock, doctor who, the emperors new groove, gifs

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