Comic books and me, we've had a rough couple of years. From
trade paperbacks through
scary sentences,
renewed hope and
sweet, sweet vengeance, 2012-13 has really put the "love/hate" in this love/hate relationship. But just a few minutes ago, as the summer weather steadfastly refused to show itself and my cosplaying wife lounged on the couch, I was seized with the irresistible urge to Tweet two short sentences.
"It's amazing, the positivity I feel about comics since dropping all but one DC Comics 'New 52' title. A new lease on geeklife, if you will."
And it is. Because I've cut down to
Kyle Rayner, Tony Stark and the crew of the "Lost Light". Because I'm not bothering with crossovers, nor trying to keep abreast of entire fictional universes. Because I'm trying mini-series and independent titles, and reading classic runs inexpensively, through comiXology. Because "digital first" comics are fun, innovative and cheap. Because I've stopped thinking like a collector and have become "just" a reader once more, allowing personal taste to rule where completism once held power. Because I like everything I'm reading and drop it, without regret, when it bores me. It's like
bidding Peter Parker farewell all over again; I feel lighter.
This, perhaps, makes me a bad fan. But it also makes me a happier person, and I know which of the two I'd rather be. At long last, I'm once again looking forward to new comic day each week.
Greet the Fire as Your Friend,