At least Tony was nice enough not to point out, to Batman, that his butler was more at fault than the security systems ;)
Funny thing about Doom's plot? I don't know what it is, either! LJ won't tell me, so I'll find out at the same time (more or less) as you do! Crumbs...
"Kill it with fire! It's the ass of the apocalypse" that line made people at work look at me as a broke out in laughter in the (currently) quiet call center. I think Alfred should start making people wait outside the from gates before he lets just anyone into the mansion. Bruce may have to dock his pay ;)
Alfred caught the first set of would-be intruders, but... yeah. Poor guy. Even if Bruce doesn't dock his pay, he'll no doubt beat himself up over it for ages!
Comments 6
You say that like it wasn't worth it...
It's always worrying when Doom's plotting and you don't know what, isn't it? In a good, suspense building kind of way. :)
Though I fear someone needs to get Alfred some new glasses...."giant Macedonian spitting scorpion" indeed!
Funny thing about Doom's plot? I don't know what it is, either! LJ won't tell me, so I'll find out at the same time (more or less) as you do! Crumbs...
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