Jul 03, 2011 15:39
"Daddy, look! They're doing more children's novels of the DC characters! Yahoo! Let's see here... ooh, there's Green Lantern and Flash! Yay, my Flashy-baby! Hang on... oh, it's Barry."
[pained sigh]
"Well, of course it is, with relaunches and all. Bah. Maybe there's a Kid Flash book here somewhere. Ah, here it is! Cool! I'll buy this and... what the? Daddy, look at this! Kid Flash is Bart! How does that work?"
[deep, rumbling growl]
"They've skipped over an entire generation of the Flash legacy! You can't go straight from Barry to Bart and not have Wally, that's just stupid! You know, Daddy, this is precisely what's wrong with DC these days. They have no respect for their own history."
[somewhat softer pained sigh]
"At least I have the Avengers cartoon and movies to keep me happy. Which is kind of scary, relying on Marvel and not trusting DC. It's a crazy old world, eh?"
Greet the Fire as Your Friend,