Uhhh.... I'm still alive?

Jan 17, 2009 05:56

Ok, since I posted random fic, I might as well make a real update too. Umm... As the title says, I am still alive. I'm doing science and I'm still alive. I feel fantastic and-- Hasn't that joke gotten old yet? ._.; (Still a good song regardless.)

...I dunno what to say though. I miss rp. I'm not sure anyone still remembers me... (or cares if they do...)

...Oy, okay, enough with the angst. Happy tiem stuff will follow this then. :|

Uhhh... I've beaten Okami (need to figure out how to put the line over the "O"...) and it is a great and fantastic game. One of the best I've ever played. I was considering writing a glowing review for it, but then I got shy and lazy. Since I've (apparently) gotten over the shy part (what with posting and all that), all that's left is the lazy part I guess. But I am terribly lazy so chances are slim.

In other news... I have decided to do more art stuffs. Which kind of led to me deciding to do more writing stuffs. Which led to me realizing that I STILL don't know where I'm going with the kitty!Phoenix fic (I'm so sorry, all you wonderful people who left comments! I will try to figure it out!), but I still wanted to write something, so I dragged out the 50challenge thing and finally got around to putting #5 down in words. I actually had that idea planned, but I was just uninspired/distracted/lazy, so I hadn't earlier. Next one is... uh... *blinks* "industrial fishing - Phoenix Wright" ...Okay that one will be...different, lol.

Annnd... I guess that's it. I will be gamesless until Platinum comes out in March, so maybe I will actually get things done, who knows...?

ETA: And a random meme I've seen multiple times before but have always been too lazy to do...

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 56.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next seven sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.

The Guardian is not adventurer-friendly.

- If you keep an eye peeled, you'll also run across a place you've never seen before. Thamasa is a good-sized village on the northern end of Crescent Island, just off the eastern end of the northern continent. If you think Espers are suspicious of strangers, get a load of these folks: They're so suspicious, they're inarticulate. No one will say anything of consequence to you. Some won't say anything more than "..."

Text was actually italicized in the book, but it is also convenient. Yay. It actually took me a while to find the closest book... (It was hiding behind a chair.) It is my old "Final Fantasy III Player's Guide", from back when VI was III. It is only out here because I spotted it buried in junk and decided to rescue it, because it is dear to me. Missing the cover now though. :( There weren't even any spoilers in those sentences, yay. It was also the page right before a chapter title so that was kind of lucky. XD;


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