Apr 26, 2009 20:44
Just finished watching a Bridge to Terabithia and must admit, I was rather dissapointed. I was bored! I couldn't believe it. This is one of my favorite children's books of all time. Bah. I think one of the problems was that I could have re-read the book faster than watching the movie, and while the movie's imaginings of Terabithia were good they weren't my imagings. Ergo, the experience was missing and that was part of the charm. The movie also just didn't...inspire me to go out and build a fort. I I'd have liked to see more of the building of Terabithia like the final bridge scene. Leslie and Jess shuffled things around that they picked up but you really didn't get to see the process of how they fixed up the fort.
The ending however was spectacular and so uncomfortable knowing the ending. That entire time that Jesse is in the museum...oh god. It was awful to watch.
Other than that I've been really busy this weekend and got so much done. But best of all was the weather! It was 86 degrees today! I can't believe it, specially since it was in the thirties last week. Rob once told me a joke by some commedian. "New York only has two seasons: Bawls Winter and Bawls Summer." So true. It will be 100 degrees before we know it. The T-storms which were supposed to come through held off long enough to have a fantastic day. Got dinner at a street fair on Broadway. I may turn this into a sunday ritual if it returns next weekend. I got a greek wrap and some lemonade for three dollars. I could have gotten pad thai for two dollars too at the end of the day when the vendors are trying to clean out in the last half hour. I figure I should enjoy before swine flu paranoia makes me too crazy to enjoy it.
Slowly, I'm also making headway on my thesis and for the first time feel like I can see the ending coming. I really need ink though so that I can start my edits which is such a hassle. I guarantee I will go to at least three stores tomorrow before I find the right cartridges in stock.