May 18, 2006 23:18
Dieter15594: And I think you lie because youre evil
Dieter15594: Not as evil as me mind you, but up there
delusionalcynic5: well Doc I don't think I've ever felt quite so complimented... being called that evil... it warms my black little heart
Dieter15594: You have one of those?
Dieter15594: I just have a big ol' space
Dieter15594: So I filled it with pudding
delusionalcynic5: please tell me chocolate
delusionalcynic5: I'm hungry....
Dieter15594: An emergency supply...just in case, you never know when you'll have a hankerin for some tapioca or double fudge chocolate
delusionalcynic5: double fudge chocolate....
delusionalcynic5: yummy
Dieter15594: Hungry for the souls of little children?
delusionalcynic5: no...
delusionalcynic5: little kids I like...
Dieter15594: By no you mean yes
delusionalcynic5: teenagers on the other hand
Dieter15594: Teens?
Dieter15594: I heard those arent good for you
Dieter15594: I know the teens Ive had really messed me up
delusionalcynic5: .... they just keep your digestive track clean and since they are rotten to the core anyways they taste deliscious w/o adding any extra spices
Dieter15594: I dunno about that, I got way wicked blockage...damn adolescant obesity
delusionalcynic: you go after the wrong people then
Dieter15594: They seemed so tempting
delusionalcynic5: you have to choose your teen course wisely
delusionalcynic5: fat=bad
Dieter15594: I was going to choose so wisely...but then I choose soooo pooooorly
delusionalcynic5: well that is typical
delusionalcynic5: never know a good meal when you see one
Dieter15594: True
delusionalcynic5: I might not be as evil as you are, but I obviously am the better judge of good meat... and prolly a better cook as well
Dieter15594: Have you gotten your mouth around a lot of good meat then?
delusionalcynic5: hmm not lately
delusionalcynic5: the quality around Rochester is not that high... nor around carroll for that matter
Dieter15594: Well what kind of meat have you been sampling?
delusionalcynic5: oh me? I prefer a nice steak, medium rare, and generally with a few very spicy rub or marinade
Dieter15594: So dark on the outside with a little pink in the middle and some zest
delusionalcynic: not too dark and it needs to be VERY juicy
Dieter15594: Like the kind that as soon as you get it in your mouth and bite down you just get its juice all over, so much so that it like dribbles down your chin and what not
delusionalcynic5: well not the dribbling down the chin part, but everything else you nailed right on the head
Dieter15594: Ah, your one of those ones who captures all the juice and loves to savor?
delusionalcynic5: most def
delusionalcynic5: the juice is also good on the mashed potatoes
Dieter15594: I know I like it when I get the juices flowin from my stake
Dieter15594: *steak
delusionalcynic5: what you really need for a juicy steak is a good bed
delusionalcynic5: of charcoal that is
Dieter15594: Oh yeah, you just have to be sure you know how to tenderize it
Dieter15594: I also like a good breast or two
Dieter15594: maybe make up a mixed grill, you know
Dieter15594: I know you arent one for shrimps though
delusionalcynic5: yummy *licks lips*
delusionalcynic5: jumbo shrimp are always good
Dieter15594: You gotta have the big like 16 oz. meat and what not
delusionalcynic5: well
delusionalcynic5: a lot of times it depends on the sauce
delusionalcynic5: if you have a cocktail sauce that is made properly, aka lots of horse radish, then.. shrimp can be perfect,
Dieter15594: No matter the size, just as long as theres some flavor to it?
delusionalcynic5: exactly
delusionalcynic5: right sauce and wow *shudders with delight*
Dieter15594: You cant go through that too quick though
delusionalcynic5: oh no
Dieter15594: One, you'll get a stomach ache, but mostly you need to savor and derive all the pleasure you can out of it
delusionalcynic5: always take your time and enjoy the main course
delusionalcynic5: if you, as you say, savor the flavor of the main course, then the rest of the meal is generally delectable
Dieter15594: Indeed
delusionalcynic5: alright, as entertaining and freakishly creepifying as this conversation has become I need some sleep
delusionalcynic5: and unless you have an issue I'm posting that part of the convo
Dieter15594: Fair enough
Dieter15594: The whole thing?
delusionalcynic5: lol
Dieter15594: Alright
delusionalcynic5: not the whole convo
delusionalcynic5: just the bit about meat lol
Dieter15594: Just the food innuendo...
Dieter15594: in u endo
delusionalcynic5: lol yummy now I'm REALLY hungry