Jun 18, 2006 09:11
WOW. Its too early in the morning for funny instances to crop up, but one did and I feel the need to share. Tismorning the sermon given by the priest was about catholic adults assuming they know better than the church and one example he used was a Bishop you was embarassed. He was presiding over the funeral of a public figure and there were many protestant ministers in attendace and right before the Bishop was about to process up a nun went up to the alter and told the ministers that in light of the day the protestant ministers could recieve communion. Well ecumenically that right there is a no no and the Bishop then had to go up onto the alter and tell them no they cannot recieve communion. My brother and mom were discussing this after mass. My brother not understanding the big deal and my mom told him that as catholics we believe that the eucharist IS the body and blood of Christ and protestants believe that it is simply a symbol. then she starts laughing and says "Ironically its the Protestants who insist that the Bible should be taken literally and then they hit that part of the Bible and oh no its symbolic and then there is the Catholics who insist that the Bible is meant to be symbolic until the last supper and then its literally." Then my brother chimes in (and I mean no offense this was just a joke) "I just think the Protestants were too up tight to eat anybody." Saying that he gets out of the car leaving my wonderfully warped mind to wander wherever it wishes.