May 23, 2007 17:58
Well! I heard about this via an egroup I belong to, haven't seen the news much this week what with working late and stuff but when I browsed the BBC Website yesterday and saw the pictures I almost felt like crying. To me Greenwich is the Cutty Sark and the Martime Muesum. I haven't been on her for a few years (nearly 30 actually) but she is (or was) an icon. It is good to know that a lot of the boat was actually in storage due to the refit that was currently going on. What was worrying though was one of the reports came from Bristol and the SS Great Britain and there are fears that that may be the next target if this was a case of arson. Apparently a couple of weeks ago there was a fire in a ware house close by. I just hope that this is just a fear and never comes to realitly. Here's hoping that the Cutty Sark people are able to make good the damage and restore one of Greenwich's landmarks.