(no subject)

Nov 30, 2005 20:20

I honestly didn't think the Marine Corps could find a way to make my life worse.

Here's a quick rundown of how my day was.

It started off GREAT. I woke up at 0300, and felt awake and alive, and happy to be both. I called my bank, got denied for a Visa Check Card, and was snobby to the girl on the phone, and told her I was switching banks. I talked to my bro, Thomas, for two hours, discussing World of Warcraft. Then I went outside for PT. It was very cold, but the corporal never came out, so we went back up to our rooms.

That left me with two hours until work. I took a shower, shaved with SHAVING CREAM (first time in months I haven't dry-shaved), brushed my teeth, and took my time getting dressed. I then went to chow, and had a nice breakfast with a mushroom omelette and waffles. I also noticed that I'd dropped 14 lbs in two weeks. I was happy about that.

I went to work. Greeted everyone cheerfully, even did the crab dance for everyone, cause it's been months since I've done it, and everyone wanted to see. Then I counted obs for our Back Office B*tch, to help him out. Finally I went home at noon. I went to Navy Federal and switched banks, like I promised. They were happy to give me a check card, and I'm getting ready to pull out a $2000 loan to buy a kickass computer. And I'm looking forward to Christmas shopping tomorrow.

Then I walk into the room, coming back from the bank, and my roommate is on the phone.

Quick backtrack. They said at the beginning of the month that the person in the office with the most errors would get the shit duties for December. I worked my ASS off to ENSURE that it wouldn't be me. I took so many obs, checked, double checked, TRIPLE checked them.

So he hangs the phone up, and looks at me. "You got chow hall duty."

WHAT?! I counted the obs TODAY, and I know that another guy in the office has the most errors (he has four, I only have 2), so I call to find out what's going on, and sure enough, that guy WAS going to be on chow hall duty, but he cried and made such a fuss that they chose me instead. Basically a "fuck you, Floyd" sort of thing. And I have chow hall duty.

So what's that? It's a month of standing at a fucking counter, slopping food on people's plates, from 0400 to 1900. Every day. No days off. Christmas? Don't have it off. New Years? Hell no, not for me. I won't have time to do my Christmas shopping, or anything.

So it's pretty depressing. Yeah, I cried a little. Yeah, I thought about jumping out my fourth floor window. Yeah, I'm still here. Heh.

Number 1 reason I'm not staying in the Corps:

Today sucked, tomorrow sucked worse, and it seems to be a pretty good forecast for the rest of my enlistment.

Merry Christmas, Lance Corporal Floyd. And a happy FUCKING new year.
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