Title: In It for Love [ 12 / 16 ]
dragonspellFandom: RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen (and Jared/a slew of other characters including Misha Collins, Tom Welling, Mike Rosenbaum, Danneel Harris, Sandy McCoy and some OMCs and OFCs)
Rating: Currently R (eventual NC-17)
Warnings: AU. Cheesiness. Fandom cliches. The usual drill.
Summary (fic): After a
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Comments 111
...It's ridiculous the amount I'm addicted to this fic. :)
That movie premiere would have terrified me too. But yay!! Lita's finally gone! *dances for joy*
Can't wait for more!
I'm interested to see where the drama and conflict comes from now.
Good chapter.
*off to read!*
Jared groaned. “God, Jen, you’ve got to stop that lip sucking thing when I’m trying to behave myself…”
This update was gorgeous I'm so in love with your Jared, he is the sweeeeeeeetest, I love how he is with Jensen, I loved the hand holding and rubbing/touching and I loved how he kissed jensen's hand during the premiere.
The hottub scene was hot as hell....jfc and I held my breath the entire time during the talk they had at the end; I'm so glad Jensen was honest with Jared (part of me did really want him to leave for his own sanity) and, god, Jared admitting to being crazy about Jensen and not wanting him to leave made me giddy with delight! ♥
Your updates make my entire day! I just get so excitedly happy when I see you've posted! Gah, I want to marry this fic and have its babies! :P
The hot tub scene was actually the first part that I ever wrote for this fic. =) I had to change it a bit, of course, to fit it in, but it basically stayed the same. And yes, yay for a little bit of honesty. Though to be honest, that was the scene that I was stuck on for so long. -_- I kept having to leave it and come back because, uh, I don't deal well with angst. Not even that little bit, apparently. Give me some porn and apparently you've got my attention for hours but a little bit of plot? I'll wander off and find every shiny object within a three mile radius...
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