Title: In It for Love [ 8 / 16 ]
dragonspellFandom: RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen (and Jared/a slew of other characters including Misha Collins, Tom Welling, Mike Rosenbaum, Danneel Harris, Sandy McCoy and some OMCs and OFCs)
Rating: Currently R (eventual NC-17)
Warnings: AU. Cheesiness. Fandom cliches. The usual drill.
Summary (fic): After a drunken
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Comments 60
'drop everything to read' fics, lol.
gaaah Lita makes me want to vomit.
and Jensen, awh,i love the way you've written him.
he's just so loveable!
and yay for manhandling onto counters!
i'm pretty sure that like the final
two is gonna be down to Jensen and Sandy.
fer sures.
i wonder what the next challenge is gonna be?
anyway i could convince you to post the next part?
hahahaha. lookin forward to it!
Seems all that time Lita spent in Jared's bedroom didn't do her any good.
Jensen on the other hand, well every moment he spends with Jared does him good. I'm pretty sure that if Jared was spending time in his bedroom with anyone, it would be Jensen.
Aorable how Jared is always making sure Jensen is alright, and asking how he feels about things.
Aaaaany time you feel the urge to post a new chapter, you just go with it, eh? I'm not urging you, per se, but, but...addicted!girl, here... ;)
xD And the next chapter will be up just as soon as I finish it.
*reads* Oh yeah? *dances* But, but...whaddya mean you have to eat dinner? Go to work? Buy groceries? Are you suuuure? ;)
I adore your story!
xD And it's amazing that people expect me to do other things, right? I mean, can't they see that I'm busy?
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