so the big news for the semester...

Dec 13, 2005 11:21

been like a month, so I may as well update...

BIG NEWS OF THE SEMESTER (the year, my life?)


He proposed to me late Friday night on the beach in back of the inn we were staying at...I won't bore you with the detail...unless you ask, becuase Im so excited I could tell everyone, but I know everyone may not want to fiancee and I (doesnt that sound great?! :) ) have decided that we would like a June 2007 ish weeding...that a year and a half, gviving me plenty of time to plan (even with my internship that last semster) which is also good, becuase I have to work around family politics and scattered location of more important people...
also good cuz I dont have the first clue as to what I am doing...might pick up one of those stupid magizines later...if I make it out of the house ( more on that in a bit...)
Other than that I want a medium sized wedding...not over the top but more than immeadiate family (how un specific I know) but I plan on enjoying this...Hes given me license to daydream in color, as it were...I might be an optimist yet....

In other (slightly less important) news....

Uhm grades are NOT in yet...anyone know when...???

I am NOT going to Japan...I decided this BEFORE Iwas engaged, so its not Chris doing....Dr. Scott Farber Resigned....and somehow the trip got altered on ways I did not like when Dr Chuck Palson took that is too much money to pay for a trip I dont like, there are plenty of othet thongs to spend money on...just as well with all hoping the dont screw up the refund check!

Oh and two day after he propsed I had to fly "home" for Christmas to Penn with the family...*sigh* makes this surreal and kinda hard to have him so far away...and my family is STILL fixing the house (though andy is in his room...good God hes taller than me now!!!! he looks good though)..I mean it looks better than before, but I guess considering when I left it was boxes camping chairs and amptiness..thats not saying much....and it looks like we are going to an unliked realitives for Christmas day...(I hate family politics)...I have to deal with unpacking all these boxes too...but now with an eye for moving them south again into a home with chris....I think Ill end up with a lot of junk...
all in all I guess its not too bad to be home...I did miss the brother...

Oh well...
If nothing else I am hoping all of this inspires me to write in this more often...
this is special...
I wanna remeber this..
oh well more tommorw I guess....
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