Even Quesada's had enough? Smooth, Land My reaction? YES! FINALLY! GOOD RIDDANCE!
Have fun at BlueWater...until they get sick of your art theft too. (Though they don't seem to have terribly high standards, based on what I've seen of their books...)
In other good news...
OMM Fails...Then runs for the hills! What? Did failing every single one of your attempts to this point not give you the hint?
Lastly, my thoughts on the Gay Green Lantern issue?
It's a bit of a copout, I think. I don't actually have a problem with Alan Scott being gay, I think it can work, and I think you can get interesting stories out of it. But a) he's hardly "prominent" outside of the comics community, b) he no longer exists in the main DCU, but in an alternate universe, so it seems a bit cheap, and c) it's hard not to see this as an answer to Northstar getting married over in Marvel...
...but if they managed to chase off OMM, at least some good came of it, so I'll give DC a grudging thumb's up for that.
Using a Ted Kord icon because screw you, DC!