Nov 25, 2011 22:01
So, on my way home from work today, I saw some stupid graffiti painted on a wall.
It said "F-bomb the N-words"
...that's not me censoring it, that's what it actually says.(It said something else too, but much smaller and I'm not sure I care)
I want to be angry about this, but to be honest, I have to doubt your dedication to racism, anonymous jerkwad, if you can't even bear to write out the swear words. I'm willing to believe that it's some IRL hipster troll just trying to be "ironic" but if that's what they were going for, they failed, as all I'm envisioning is some 14 year old loser thinking it'll get him attention, but not dedicated enough to go all the way. So while it annoys me, it's not the same level as someone making actual threats. I'll think I'll settle for just hating this person rather than wishing terrible fates on them as I would if I thought it were for real (and carrying out said terrible fate should I find them).
Anyway, I thought I'd share, because it's on a backroad and the attempt was so sad I thought more people needed to laugh at it. (It's like the insults in that one episode of Immersion "and in addition to all this gay STUFF! Yeah!")