So yesterday morning was a bit different.
While I was in the bathroom getting ready for my day, I heard a strange commotion outside the door. I was home along, so this freaked me out a bit, but I figured it was one of the cats and forgot about it shortly after.
Later, when I was sitting at my sister's computer playing a game, I heard another commotion from the back where we keep our recycling. I got up to check, knowing what to expect, sure enough, my cat, Nesbit, was sitting in the recycling. I figured it'd be her, she has a weird fascination with plastic rings and sometimes rummages through the recycling to get them out.
Figuring that mystery solved, I patted her head and went back to my game. Some time after that, I yet again hear noises coming from the back, but much louder than normal for Nesbit, so I stand and turn around, ready to chase her out of the recycling, and what do I see?
...a squirrel is racing across the living room towards me.
I'm not sure what it says about me that my first response was to ask "how did you get in here?" Luckily for the squirrel, my sister's cat, Elliot was shut in the bathroom (She really likes being in the bathroom for some reason, but the smoke detector is just outside the bathroom door, so the door has the be kept shut after showers or the steam will set it off, so if Elliot goes in, she often gets shut inside. She seems pretty accepting of this overall, likely because she knows when she wants out, she just has to start meowing and we'll come let her out.) because Elliot might've actually caught it. Nesbit, on the other hand, has no clue about the whole "hunting" thing and was just trotting around after the squirrel with a look of mild curiosity, trying to smell it.
I'm guessing it had been hiding under the recycling for most of the morning...with Nesbit sitting just outside, probably poking it with one paw, until the poor thing reached its breaking point and just decided to make a break for it. It just started running wildly from room to room. I spent a moment trying to figure out how to catch it, until I realized that it wasn't running around blindly, it was running to the windows in each room trying to get out. So I scooped up Nesbit and shut her in the bathroom with Elliot. Then I opened up the door to the back porch and just chased the squirell in that general direction. It got the hint quick enough and had his freedom, leaping off the porch to the ground and immediately up a tree.
...still, this all leaves the mystery of my question, how DID it get in our apartment? Once the squirrel was gone, I went through and checked all the doors and windows. The only windows we open have screens on them, and anything that wasn't opened was securely locked due to some notices we'd recieved about theives breaking in through the windows in the area. There wasn't any way it could've come in through them. The only thing I can really think of is the vents. We've has some trouble with one of ours, so the cover to it is partially off. Vents aren't normally an attractive place for squirrells, but I guess if one DID get stuck in there, it'd probably want to get out at the first opportunity, even if it was an aparment with cats.
Makes for a funny story, though.
We also got our Halloween decorations up on Sunday. Last year we didn't bother with them at all, so this year we went a bit in the opposite direction. We got some lights and some fake pumpkins to carve and set them out in my sister's window. It was a lot of fun, and now the place is all Halloween-y.
I've been sick since about Wednesday, though, and being so active Sunday, did. not. help. I kept thinking to myself "I need to sit down and rest, get over this cold...BUT THERE'S THAT THING I NEED TO DO! *does thing*" Probably not my brightest moment, but, eh. I have a hard time not getting things done when I'm able to even if I don't feel well. Generally speaking, a headache is morelikely to keep me down than a cold is. Is it a good trait? Probably not, but whatever, it's how I roll. XD Besides, I'm feeling better today, so it couldn't be too terrible.
It being Sunday, it was also a football weekend. The "no name" Bills and the "Dream Team" Eagles went head to head at Ralph Wilson Stadium in Buffalo this weekend. One team with 3 wins and 1 loss and the other with 1 win and 3 losses...just not the ones that were supposed to have those stats. I admit, I was really dissappointed in the Bills' loss last week to the Bengals. After beating the Patriots, the Bengals shoudln't have been that tough. Admittedly, after this past weekend, I'm thinking the Bengals are a better team than I gave them credit for, but at the time it felt like it was just devolving to the Same Old Bills. The ones that year after year would put scares into the top tier teams in the league, but couldn't beat a single team on their level. A loss to the Eagles this weekend, despite their abysmal record, would be easier to take - the Eagles are a MUCH better team than their record implies. There's no shame in losing to the Eagles...but beating the Eagles? That'd be something.
Well, we've got something now! Buffalo racked up the points in the start of the game and by the time the Eagles tried to respond in the 4th quarter, it was just too late. It's hard to win though when you throw four interceptions. A lot of people want to pin this game on the Eagles' failures, which it's true, they made mistakes and some luck was involved, but 5 turnovers don't happen by magic. Quarterbacks like Tom Brady and Michael Vick don't get rattled that bad, even when they're behind. It happens when the defense is rushing or hitting the quarterback, causing his throws to be off, or when defenders just pay attention and get a good jump on the ball. There was definitely luck involved, but I think it'd be hard to completely discount what the Bill accomplished. As usual, it came down to the wire - why do the Bills want to give me heart failure?! - and weirdly enough, the entire game was decided by the Bills getting the Eagles to jump the gun and getting a penalty called on them. (For those who want to call that one luck, apparently the Bills made no secret of the fact that they had no intention of actually running a play and were willing to wait there for the Eagles to jump.)
So now the Bills sit at 4 wins and 1's really weird to say that...They only have to win four more to hit 500 (as in - winning half of the games for the season, somthing Buffalo hasn't been able to do for years)! Next week they play the Giants, who are a tough team, and there'd be no shame in losing to them either...but I fear I'm really starting to Billieve. XD
In other football talk, how 'bout them Colts? Supposed to be superbowl contenders, but without their quarterback Peyton Manning, now sit a 0 wins and 5 losses. Is this is testament to how imporant a quarterback is to a team? Does it reflect on the abilities of Manning replacements? Most likely, Manning just had a certain way of leading his team, so without him at the helm, the configurations just don't work. Still, it's kind of funny to see, like some kind of experiment in the modes of a team. haha!