[ Filter: Private. Language; Japanese ]
They died. I don't know who is supposed to replace them. I don't even care, because its way too messed up to say that you can just REPLACE somebody just cause they died. which is STUPID because theyre the ones that were telling me not to get killed. I dont know. I don't know. I don't wan to do this anymore. People are getting hurt and people I knew died and Machi hardly even talks anymore things are so messed up. Yuki and I really screwed up. We shouln
We have to protect her. We have to get rid of these Seals before they hurt her. I have to get rid of this city before she dies. I can't be here without her. I cant have any more people dying but i can't see her hurt so I. I already picked. My sister over the stupid city I'm not even from. These people don't even speak the same language as us. I don't like being in a place where I don't fit in and where people don't look like us. Anyway they always fight anyway. This place is too hot and miserable and everybody hates each other already. I have to get rid of it. Not just for Machi, but for everyone.
[ Filter: Alexandria Angels. Language; English, Arabic ]
We're having another attack and this time we'll take out the Stadium. Denzel, you're one of us whether you want to be or not, so stop whining and do your job.
[ Filter: Hanajima . Language; Japanese]
You're still here.
[ Filter: Public Language; English, Arabic ]
So I broke up with Komaki and it's too hot here
and i want us to back to Japan for Golden Week but i cant.
How are you guys holding up?