After a few days, three of my eggs finally have pipped, but they still have some ways to go before i have tiny dragon babies! I had to use the help of three different hatcheries after a friend's advice. I am glad that there are pipping, but im concerned about my Limestone Egg, which has not pipped at this time. Having the three hatcheries certainly drove up the views and unique views a little bit faster. I am guessing i should have at least service of a hatchery or two when i try for my second set of eggs. Well, heres the information of whats happening so far...
- Translucent Egg - pipping - 491 Vs, 168 UVs, 7 Cs
- Floating Pink Egg - pipping - 487 Vs, 179 UVs, 7 Cs
- Diminutive Green Egg - pipping - 531Vs, 180 UVs, 8 Cs
- Limestone Egg - solid - 462 Vs, 145 UVs, 7 Cs
As usual, the green egg is more popular and the limestone is struggling to catch up with its peers. Hopefully, the limestone will pip tonight since its only right behind in the numbers.Looking forward to meeting my newest pets!