Just now I fed Gabriel some green beans and brown rice. Like his Uncle
geckoboy, the Kraken does not like green beans; unlike his Uncle
geckoboy, Gabriel will eat them anyway. Mostly because I am the person who chooses what he eats, so if he wants food he will eat what I give to him.
At one point he burped just as I was shoveling a spoonful into his mouth, so it got all over his face and nose. I laughed. Hard. That made him cry.
I pulled myself together enough to get him to calm down, but then he made his famous "Poop Face" so hard that he actually used his hands to push himself up a little bit out of his seat while simultaneously leaning forward and grunting from strain. OMG. I had to cover my mouth and stifle so much laughter, because he kept looking at me to check if I was laughing at him.
That kid just has no sense of humor about himself.