A friend of mine sent me
this article about a family that got kicked off a flight from Orlando to Boston because their three-year-old would not behave herself and get into her seat to be strapped in. Airline regulations clearly state that all children over two years old need their own seat and have to be buckled in for takeoff. This little girl hid under her seat and wouldn't behave, so the flight attendants kicked them all off the flight.
Good for them.
I'm sick parents thinking that the whole world has to accomodate their children. What about the other passengers on that plane? Should they all have been delayed because this particular mother and father don't know how to control their child? Should the entire flight be held up because of a three-year-old?
pandalady49 and my dad travelled with me when I was ONE YEAR OLD and they never would have put up with this crap. The child is THREE. Grab her, hold her down in the seat, strap her in, and firmly tell her that she needs to be quiet and sit still or she will be punished (take away her favorite doll for a day or don't let her have dessert or something). But to blame the airline because YOU are shitty parents who don't know how to make your children behave themselves in public, when it is clearly affecting hundreds of others? Just shut up and go away. You'll get yours when that brat grows up and tells you that she hates you.