Hey, Zel? Where the heck are you?
I've got a story to tell you, you see--
So I was walking around The City, right? Minding my own business, strolling around like the good, calm citizen I am. And then I walk into this funny critter with gigantic eyes. I mean, I could've sworn I've seen it before.
It even started talking about justice to me. Kinda creepy, huh? I still have it with me. You gotta come check it out.
Oh, and to the
guy with the gigantic shoulder pads, don't think it's over yet. I'm watching you. And I'm NOT YOUR EMPLOYEE.
[ooc: yes, Lina's being sneaky and messing with Zel a little. The critter is Amelia. 8D OH, ZEL, LINA FINDING OUT YOUR SEKRIT IS GONNA BE YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE NAO]