----> Comment to this post to get my attention on anything, but if all else (somehow) fails, go ahead and pester me on my other handles.
--- > LJ name;
linachu--- > e-mail; riskygamble@gmail.com
--- > AIM; Linachuu (must add you first~)
♥ Comment here if you're interested in plotting with Lina. She's a social character, so it's easy for her to interact/come across people. I don't bite hard, and I'm usually pretty flexible.
♥ Comment here if you have an icon-request. I don't mind making random icons for the hell of it for players. Samples can be found at
sorceresses, and I can also attempt to modify celebrity pictures to fit an illustrated character's physique.
♥ If you have any sort of constructive criticism, suggestion, or question, feel free to comment here too. Just don't be an asshat about it.