Feb 22, 2004 22:36
Weeeeeelllll this weekend was fun. A bit different than what I expected but fun none the less. heehee. On Friday after school I chilled w/ Nick G., Mike, Catman, Carrie and Richard. It was all gravy. Nicks mom was nice enough 2 get us all mcdonalds which surprised the hell outta me cuz there were so many ppl there. Wow Nick, your mom is an awesome person. Seriouly how many parents would go out and buy 6 kids (5 who arent even theirs) food. Not many I know thats 4 shizzle. Anyhoo onto Saturday. If youre reading this then u obviously know I was supposed 2 attend the drunken fest known as the knight parade. Well, I was all pumped 2 go and then @ the last second my friend decides she doesnt wanna go. Disappointment followed. But after making many frantic calls and failing I called my buddy Nessa and told her my story of woe and she invited me 2 go w/ her 2 the Against Me show. Needless 2 say I jumped at the chance and went. When we got there we found out it was sold out. More disappointment. So we waited. And waited. And then finally Nessas friend came up and informed her she had an xtra ticket, but it was only 1. She tried 2 get 2 but couldnt so we decided shed go in 4 awhile and then wed both watch Against Me from outside. Then something amazing happened, the dude @ the door started letting more ppl in. WooT WooT!!! My happy ass got in therr reeeaaal fast. The show was great and I got 2 meet Nessas incredibly smelly friend Mitch. (let me tell u, this guy made the dump smell like roses. thats how bad it was.) he raised his arm up and i nearly died. After the show we went back 2 her house and chilled. Then the next day (2day!) we went 2 clearwater beach and hungout w/ her friends shorty and kyle. shorty was a lil sweety and kyle was beeeeaaaautiful. damn that boi has some amazng eyes, heehee. Then after watchin Law and Order Nessas mom took me home. And now I'm here, updating this lovely lovely journal and dreading school 2morrow. So that was my weekend folks. And in 3 WEEKS (march 12th) i will b 18 years old!! yes mark your calenders and get your presents ready,lol. Well now I sall depart. Lata peeps!