Reid, Where Have You Been Hiding?

Feb 04, 2010 12:59

So, after hearing about it from ye olde friends' list, I threw Criminal Minds onto my Netflix list. I'm down to the last disc of season one, and I have one thing to say:

Why has no one told me about Reid????? Okay, you probably did, but I totally missed it.

I have a new woobie! *Claps* Please tell me, without revealing spoilers, he has survived to the current season and hasn't been A) beheaded by his mentor, B) killed in a mission, or C) become the apprentice of a cannibalistic serial killer. Other than Connor on Primeval and Blair from the Sentinel, I have a horrible track record with favorite characters.

So, where is the first season gen or het Reid fic? Oh, heck, I'll take gen casefic with the whole team as well.

Yay! New fandom!!! (I need icons.)


criminal minds, television

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