This is what happens when you leave me alone to my own devices

Dec 29, 2007 14:09

I committed a fandom sin. No, really. Sweet, innocent me committed a huge, huge fandom sin.

I started a bandom story with OFCs in it. *Hears the fandom collectively scream* Oh, don't worry. It'll never see the light of day. The only person who will read it is seimaisin as it's cheeze to make her smile.:)

I do have to admit it's sad to call OFCs a "fandom sin." Original characters always add a new dimension to the fandom worlds we play in, but the majority of fandom is so afraid of them.

The paranoia has totally affected my writing to the point where I constantly check my original fic to make sure my characters aren't too perfect. So, so sad. It kind of takes the fun out of it. Limits your imagination, if you will.

But that's why I'm writing this cheezefest, to bring the fun back. My writing has gotten so stagnant lately that I need to bring the fun back...desperately.

original characters, writing, bandom

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