Quite a few lovely things happened this weekend so let's go by the numbers.
1) Finally finished the latest Harry Potter novel. Very, very good. Ended like I thought it should except for a couple of things, but overall, I wasn't disappointed.
I will, however, miss Remus, Tonks, Fred, Mad-Eye, and Hedwig something fierce. *Sniffles*
2) As of Saturday, Dragonhubby and I have applied for an apartment. I actually felt well enough to go look, and we had so much fun. After touring all three of our top favorites, we went with Shadowmoss Pointe. Gorgeous upstairs apartment with HUGE closets, a balcony, and lots and lots of light. If we're approved (which I hope we are), we can move in November. *Twirls* I'm so excited! It's my "I survived cancer" present to myself.
3) Caught that new VH-1 show The Pick-Up Artist today. I'm not sure if I'm intrigued or offended. I'll have to watch to see what these guys have to say about women.
4) So, what's the latest LJ kerfluffle? Is everyone still grumbling over the fandom thing? *Sigh* Okay.
5) If I push myself (and lock my door), I might be able to finish the rough draft of Inheritance before my next chemo treatment. Awesome!
Okay, now I'm off to bed...off to bed...