It's been a while

Jan 31, 2007 18:33

Between my writing time, my TV shows, and spending time with Dragonhubby, I feel I've been neglecting my internet duties. *Hangs head in shame* So, let's play catch-up.

1) Almost finished with Grave Peril by Jim Butcher. Good, good book, even though I still can't stand the character of Susan. If she never makes an appearance on the TV show, I'll be one happy camper.

After I finish this book, I plan to read Blood and Chocolate. I wanted to read the book before I saw the movie (which, at the rate DH and I are going, will probably be a Netflix rental). I read The Silver Kiss by the same author back in college so I'm expecting this one to be just as good as that one was.

Just a few quick notes since I think everyone has already covered what I would have said.
-- Claude rocks my socks, all scraggly and invisible-y. He's awesome.
-- Uh-oh, Hiro's dad made him gulp. That can't be good.
-- Look! Micah is building a solid thieving career!
-- Oh, Matt, you'll make such a cute daddy. I hope the kid's his and that Janice will be willing to stand by his side. I know she cheated, but if he can forgive her, maybe I can, too. She took the whole mind-reading thing pretty well.
-- Nathan and Mohinder need to work together more often. Awesome!
-- Claire, Zach, and manatees. Need I say more? But ooh, her mommy's a pyrokinetic? Cool! But I really hope daddy isn't Nathan. *Gets worried*
-- So, uh, where's Isaac? I need my Isaac fix, people.

3) I've fallen way behind on Friday Night Lights. Aargh...I'm missing my Tim. But I will be watching tonight, and as soon as I can devote a full day to it, I'll be watching all the episodes I missed on the website. I'm really becoming obsessed with this show. It's not healthy.

4) Play On, my fanmix site, got a new redesign. Soon I should have all the links working and two new fanmixes added to the site. I'm also putting up the first two chapters of Inheritance, my Charmed genderbend, on A Small Drop of Ink.

5) seimaisin made me dust off the outline of White Spirit last night and send it to her. Oh, so many plotholes, so many problems. But once I get going in the right direction, novel_in_90, here I come!

6) Both heroes100words and occhallenge have brand new challenges posted. Go have a look and maybe you'll be inspired.

7) It's time for a new layout, but I don't know who to go with. How about a poll?


And now to the friends' list.

friday night lights, challenges, website updates, white spirit, books, heroes

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