Jan 20, 2007 22:32
So, Dragonhubby and I are about to meet Romana. I have the Doctor Who DVD keyed up and ready to go; he just needs to get in here. I'm excited because I've heard so much about this character. I'll have to see what I think of her.
And, yes, I still need to share my SPN and SV thoughts. I'll do that either tomorrow or Monday. Also, I won't be invested in American Idol until we get the boys versus the girls (which I might miss a night of because Prison Break, Heroes, and Friday Night Lights run precedence).
Oh, remember, The Dresden Files starts tomorrow night at 9 p.m. on Sci-Fi. I don't know what the show will be like, but I trust Jim Butcher's judgement. If it keeps the spirit of the books, it'll be awesome! I expect all of you to watch. Do you hear me? *Winks*
OK...DW time.
the dresden files,
doctor who,