Torchwood -- 13 episodes in two days

Jan 15, 2007 12:16

Thank you so much, seimaisin! Dragonhubby and I got the package a couple of days ago, and we loved all the stuff in it.

And, yes, one of those presents was all thirteen episodes of Torchwood.

Since we went through all thirteen episodes, I'm just going to give general impressions on characters and overall themes.

Let's start with the characters, from my favorite to least favorite:

Ianto -- Oh, come on, who didn't see this coming? If you know me at all, you know I adore the woobie sidekicks, and Ianto fits the pattern perfectly. Sad story and underappreciated. Come here, Ianto, you need a hug. He made me cry when his girlfriend went all Cyberwoman. And then he made me cheer when he stood up to Owen and then to Jack. Loved seeing him show some spirit. Also, he held his own during "Countrycide." He didn't easily give in to the creepy cannibal people. Yay!

Toshiko -- She's the girl I most identify with. Yet, another sidekick...regulated to the computer go-to girl. However, she's tough in her own right. I love how well-rounded a character she is. On one hand, she desperately wants the people she works with to respect her and worries so much about what they think (and God knows why she likes Owen). Then, on the other hand, she can hold her own against monsters and aliens. She also remained calm and tried to find a way to get her equation back to the team in "Captain Jack Harkness." Awesome!

Jack -- Ah, Jack. Jack, Jack, Jack. I liked you in Doctor Who, I love you here. I freakin' love what they've done with Jack's character. He's so much more than an easy playboy. He's deep and real and his team really does matter deeply to him. He does have the capacity to care about others, and that was something really not explored on DW. He can also kick major ass. He's grown in this series, and I look forward to learning more about him.

Gwen -- I'm on the fence with Gwen. On one hand, she's a flawed and real female character who does what she has to do and makes mistakes along the way. Unfortunately, her flip-flop between Owen and Reece bothered the hell out of me. I understand it probably would be tough to do this job and be in a relationship, too, but Owen??? Anyway, while I loved the way she approached the problems, some of the mistakes she made baffled me. She was a police officer before, right? Wouldn't she know basic stuff like not touching evidence without gloves?

Owen -- There are times when I like him and he's interesting, and then there are times when I want to beat the crap out of him. He has his moments where he cares what happens to someone else, but mostly he's a selfish prick. I can't behind the Owen love. I can't. A better man would have looked at Gwen and told her to go back to Reece. Owen just exploited her vulnerability. And the way he treated Tosh was uncalled for. Sorry, guys, but I just don't like him.

Overall, the show is awesome. The writing is really well-done. The structure of the stories keep a good pace. The dialogue is fantastic! I don't like this overall "we're a random occurrence and there's nothing beyond death" theme, but that's a personal thing with me and doesn't affect the show. So, yeah, I'm in. Bring on the next season.

Okay, so it took me all the way through the first ep to realize Gwen was the same actress who played the psychic chick in the first season DW episode about the ghosts. And it took me halfway through the second to realize Tosh was the doctor in the first season DW episode about the farting aliens. Interesting.

Now...point me to the gen and het Ianto fic...


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