Prepare yourself! I have returned! Did you miss me?
Dragonhubby survived his first Thanksgiving with the Dragonfamily. Good food and good times were had by all. Also, Dragonmom remembered to thaw the turkey, but burned the biscuits. That's okay, though.:)
All in all, good vacation.
Now...onto Heroes because I'm still crying and squeeing.
Hiro -- Aw, Hiro, honey. *Cries...again* Charlie was going to die anyway, and Hiro couldn't save her, and he loved her, and he teleported back against his will. Noooooooo! *Still more crying* Damn it! There will be AU fic where he takes her to Japan because I can't stand it.
Nathan -- No wonder the poor guy is such an asshat. He flew out of the car and wasn't able to save his wife. Oh, man. And he can't tell anyone Linderman's baddies came after him. *Gasp* And he and Peter are basically mob princes? Cool! (Okay, not so cool, but oooh.)
Matt -- My poor, poor woobie. Dyslexia is nothing to be ashamed of. I love what Janice said (and thought) to him. So he was reading minds six months before and didn't know it. But shame on Eden for making Matt eat a box of donuts.
Eden -- Why is she making me like her? Why? I'm supposed to not like her, and yet, I could totally go Eden/Isaac here.
Sylar -- Sylar, Sylar, Sylar, you were the big surprise tonight, buddy. No wonder he's pissed off at all the special people. So, he kills them, takes the abnormal part of their brain, and somehow takes it into himself. I have no idea how, but ewwwww! He was creepy when Chandra first walked into his shop. Sylar went from Clark Kent to creepy psycho in no time flat.
Niki -- Yeah, I still don't understand her power. Okay, her dad was an abusive ass and killed her sister Jessica. So how did Jessica get into Niki or become Niki's mirror image? I'm a little slow.
Claire and Mr. Bennett -- No, Bennett isn't evil. I'm not sure if he or Sylar killed Suresh, but I don't think he's evil. He wants to protect Claire at all costs. Maybe he's afraid she'll turn into Sylar. We don't know. But his number one motivation is to protect Claire. And Claire is an awesome character.
Bring on next week! And someone will die??? *Throws herself over Peter, Matt, Isaac, Mohinder, Claire, and Hiro to protect them* Everyone else is fair game.
Wow! That show leaves me so excited every week. Squee!
And now I leave you with a pimp:
occhallenge is having a Holiday Original Character Share. Offer up any original character you created for a fandom, and maybe someone will write a fic about them for the holidays. I'm not making any guarantees, but maybe... Go forth and see.