So, TV last night...
Am very sad there was no Green Arrow at all, but I am enjoying the Lexana. I so want happiness for these two together, but something tells me it'll all end in tears. *Sniffle* Very pretty proposal, BTW.
And, yes, the Chloe/Jimmy is adorable. Just too, too cute.
You know Dean considered taking that demon up on her offer, but I knew he wouldn't go through with it. Poor angsty Dean. I agree his dad should've gone out fighting, but John had no choice. *Hugs Dean again*
Overall episode was okay. They were in the South and no one had a Southern accent? *Shakes head* Not very authentic.
But the teaser...the teaser! Is Kripke trying to kill me?
Now onto the fandom meme. The last one I did two were left unguessed.
2) Should she choose the one who works in the day or the one who works at night? That was the Blood books by Tanya Huff.
5) A girl runs away from her guardians and winds up in a weird place. That was The Wizard of Oz, my childhood fandom.
But good guesses on the other obscure ones.
Now let's play this one. Hee!
Sum up your former/current fandoms in a few sentences, as if they were human beings/very convincing sockpuppets on your flist. Guess which fandom I'm talking about!
1) You tease me, with your angst and your darkness. You don't have any substance so I shouldn't even be talking to you, and yet, you're so pretty. The Covenant, guessed by
mermaidrain 2) You're the loyal one. We've been together for such a long time. When I'm down, you can always pick me up. You sneak into my other fandoms without warning, but I always welcome your prescence. Highlander, guessed by
featherjean 3) Another long relationship, but not nearly as long as two. We've seen each other off and on, but you've pushed me like no other fandom. I'm sad you're gone, but I'll always remember you. Charmed, guessed by
featherjean 4) We have quite the love/hate relationship. You do so many things that make me mad, and yet, I always manage to come back to you.
5) You're the new fling; the one I've completely lost my heart to in such a short period of time. I don't know how long this will last, but I'm enjoying every moment of it. Heroes, guessed by
featherjean 6) You're the bad boy. The one who catches my eye everytime. You say the word, and I'll go with you anywhere. You're so pretty, you have so much angst, and I love you for it! Supernatural, guessed by
featherjean 7) You're sweaty and dirty, and you're obsessed with something I could never love. And, yet, I find myself cheering for you. Friday Night Lights, guessed by
comeoncloser 8) I only approached you because you were pretty, and we had a mutual friend in common. Then you grew on me and completely won me over.
Okay, I suppose I have some writing to do. Yes, I've realized I'm not going to make the 50,000 word count, but that's okay. I've started on White Spirit, and I must finish it now.