Morning, everyone! Monday is upon us, and it's another day of writing. And also job hunting.
Before we begin, though, we have a couple of memes to do.
Comment to this post saying "FIVE!" and I will pick five things I would like you to talk about. They might make sense or be totally random.Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself, hopefully for the rest of eternity!
muses_circle gave me the following five:
1. Update on the job hunt
No bites yet, but I've put in a lot of applications. I'm really for a reference librarian position that opened up at a branch in Cary, NC. It's everything I did before, plus more responsibility and more money. Wish me luck!
2. Places you'd like to see/visit
My dream is to see England, Ireland, and Scotland. If I can ever work out the details and get Dragonhubby on a plane (he hates to fly), I'm going to make that dream a reality. There's just something romantic about the British Isles, and they look like they'd be a lot of fun. Also, probably cooler than where I currently live in the American South.
3. Movie recs
The two best movies I've seen recently that I can recommend are Brave and The Avengers. Both are action packed and are a lot of fun. But the movie I will always love and everyone must see is Labyrinth. Yes, it's very eighties, but it's still an awesome, awesome movie.
4. Current novel work
White Spirit - I'm trying to edit it again. I think I might know where I went wrong.
Mayberry with Monsters - The first draft is a horrible mess. I'm going to have to start over.
Merman - In the development stage. I just did the character sheets for my two main characters - Brian and Jenna - and I have the beginnings of a plot.
5. Anything interesting you're reading?
Right now, I'm reading "Hallowed" by Cynthia Hand. It's the sequel to "Unearthly." So far, it's very good, but she takes so long to get to any action.
Day Four: A female character you relate to
Oh, there are so many. So, so many. But i think I have to go with Piper Halliwell from Charmed.
Piper started the series as a mousy character who was the constant middle sister. But over time, she grew and gained a lot of confidence. I'm an older sister rather than a middle sister, but I completely relate to Piper's struggles with her confidence and learning to take charge of her own life.
Day Five: Favorite female character on a male-driven show
Day Six: Favorite female-driven show
Day Seven: A female character that needs more screen time
Day Eight: Favorite female character in a comedy show
Day Nine: Favorite female character in a drama show
Day Ten: Favorite female character in a scifi/supernatural show
Day Eleven: Favorite female character in a children’s show
Day Twelve: Favorite female character in a movie
Day Thirteen: Favorite female character in a book
Day Fourteen: Favorite older female character
Day Fifteen: Favorite female character growth arc
Day Sixteen: Favorite mother character
Day Seventeen: Favorite warrior female character
Day Eighteen: Favorite non-warrior female character
Day Nineteen: Favorite non-human female character
Day Twenty: Favorite female antagonist
Day Twenty-One: Favorite female character screwed over by canon
Day Twenty-Two: Favorite female character you love but everyone else hates
Day Twenty-Thre: Favorite female platonic relationship
Day Twenty-Four: Favorite female romantic relationship
Day Twenty-Five: Favorite mother/daughter and/or sister relationship
Day Twenty-Six: Favorite classical female character (from pre-20th century literature or mythology or the like)
Day Twenty-Seven: A female character you have extensive personal canon for
Day Twenty-Eight: Favorite female writer (television, books, movies, etc.)
Day Twenty-Nine: A female-centric fic rec
Day Thirty: Whatever you’d like!