We're now entering month three of unemployment, but I'm not giving up yet. I've applied to more places so surely some library will bite. Right? Positivity. We must have positivity.
Meanwhile, I've been rewatching Stargate SG-1. I forgot how much I loved that show, and Sam, and the Sam/Daniel. I'm up to season three right now, and I've realized that I've missed a couple of episodes. That's okay. I missed all of the last two seasons. And now I want to go back and read Sam/Daniel fic. Oh, the good old days.
Also, Dragonhubby and I are watching Star Trek:TNG. I've never seen it, but it was his favorite Trek. I actually really like it. And I think I have a Troi/Riker leaning.
Meanwhile, writing and revising hasn't been very smooth. I'm stumbling through White Spirit again. I'm going back and figuring out exactly how my ghost/psychic lore works and giving the characters more depth. I think this will make for a better book.
Also, a plot is forming for my merman story (formally the surfer boy story). I'm very excited about this one. Think of Chris Hemsworth as a merman. Can you picture it?
And now, I leave you with today's female character:
Day Three: A female character you hated but grew to love
Coraline from Moonlight
I wasn't sure when the series started how I felt about her character. But as her backstory unfolded, I actually really liked the character. She didn't turn Mick because she was malicious; she did it because she loved him and wanted to give him this gift. Sure, maybe she should have asked first, but I don't think she was completely evil. Too bad the series didn't last past one season.
Day Four: A female character you relate to
Day Five: Favorite female character on a male-driven show
Day Six: Favorite female-driven show
Day Seven: A female character that needs more screen time
Day Eight: Favorite female character in a comedy show
Day Nine: Favorite female character in a drama show
Day Ten: Favorite female character in a scifi/supernatural show
Day Eleven: Favorite female character in a children’s show
Day Twelve: Favorite female character in a movie
Day Thirteen: Favorite female character in a book
Day Fourteen: Favorite older female character
Day Fifteen: Favorite female character growth arc
Day Sixteen: Favorite mother character
Day Seventeen: Favorite warrior female character
Day Eighteen: Favorite non-warrior female character
Day Nineteen: Favorite non-human female character
Day Twenty: Favorite female antagonist
Day Twenty-One: Favorite female character screwed over by canon
Day Twenty-Two: Favorite female character you love but everyone else hates
Day Twenty-Thre: Favorite female platonic relationship
Day Twenty-Four: Favorite female romantic relationship
Day Twenty-Five: Favorite mother/daughter and/or sister relationship
Day Twenty-Six: Favorite classical female character (from pre-20th century literature or mythology or the like)
Day Twenty-Seven: A female character you have extensive personal canon for
Day Twenty-Eight: Favorite female writer (television, books, movies, etc.)
Day Twenty-Nine: A female-centric fic rec
Day Thirty: Whatever you’d like!
So, what TV shows are you rewatching? How's your writing going? Anyone else doing the female character meme?