In case you were wondering (and I'm sure you weren't), I have not abandoned LJ. The truth is, this semester is killing me and my cable has been on the fritz.
So, what am I missing? What's the latest news?
I'm terribly behind on some of my shows (Grimm, Once Upon a Time, and Pan Am, to be exact) because my local channels keep freezing and disappearing completely. The cable company has been out to fix the problem, but it still keeps happening. I'm thisclose to canceling cable and getting a freakin' antenna.
I finished my School of Library Science portfolio and turned it in. My advisor approved so it looks like I will get to graduate next month after all. Now I just have to finish all these projects, which are due in two weeks. Oh, my head hurts.
But, next month, I will officially have a masters in library science. *Puffs out chest* I'm so proud of myself. And I hope I'll have a job to go with it.
I see the Internets are all a-twitter about the trailers that came out this past week.
The Hunger Games: It's gonna be awesome, people. And I will cry like a baby all the way through it.
Brave: A female protagonist...and she's a redhead...and it's set in Scotland!
Snow White and The Huntsman: Looks deliciously awesome as does Chris Hemsworth.
In other news, I haven't started my
witchesbigbang fic yet. I haven't written long fanfic in so long. Can I still do it? Or have I forgotten too much?
So, what's up with you? What have I missed while suffering through this semester?