Monday Night Practise

Jan 16, 2007 00:43

The beginning of today was dull. I had class in the morning, just a short one, then I pretty much went home and chilled for the day until practise tonight.
Practise was good.
It was odd, I was pretty tired all day, from when I got up, but I had a ton of energy once I got to the armories.
I think it was Andrea's fault. (I know, I know, "Andrea this, Andrea that". Shush. She's on my mind a lot, ok? And this is my journal thing, so if you don't like it, you can get out, alright? Seriously, just.. just get out.) I'm pretty sure the energy started when I saw her truck outside the armories.
I got inside, making lots of buzzings and chirpings, and getting strange looks from a lot of people. Got armored up eventually, went over the new rules for combat, did some drills regarding grabbing blades, which is now legal and valid. Worked with Richarde for a bit, worked with Guillaume for a bit.
Then I got to fight Pierce. I'd kind of gone into standby while doing the drills with Richarde and Guillaume, but once I got to fight Pierce, that energy turned right back on. I fought him with sword and dagger, dagger held reversed. Oh man. I don't think I've ever killed him so many times in one go before. It could have been just my imagination, but it looked like he was really sweating. He gave me some advice about finishing combos, and said that if I did that, I'd not only kick his ass, but the ass of 90% of the fighters in the kingdom. That was nice to hear.
Then I fought with Alejandro for a bit, and I went barefoot to see if the footwear made a difference. He got me a few times, and I got him more than a few times. The fights were pretty fast. I was fighting with a very wide, long stance, and it seemed to work pretty well. He said he really enjoyed them a lot, and for the rest of the evening he kept trying to attack me unarmed, which was a little fun, and rather amusing. He seemed rather frustrated, so I gave him a few halfway-solid shots to the ribs at the end of the evening, and that seemed to settle him down a bit.
Had another green tea chillio with chocolate at Decades.
Andrea is warm. I like being warm.
I half-jumped, half-climbed James' car. This will probably only be significant to people who were there.
Andrea pointed out that I probably scared James a bit. I hadn't really thought of that. She says, " I think you kind of scared James today. not necessarily in a bad way ... more like a 'new respect' kind of way," Continuing, "after you jumped his car, he totally backed off... I mean, like he was completely freaked"
I guess she was right, he was pretty scared. But whatever, he deserved to be. Maybe he'll lay off a bit now. That would be good.
He's still a good guy, though. Just a bit misguided. Or maybe unguided. I don't know. It seems like William and Ieuan might be able to help him a bit, I hope they do. It would be good for him.

If I could only figure out how to trigger that energy I had while fighting Pierce for tournaments.. I was using the dagger in a very offensive defense, which is to say, attacking my opponents blade while rushing in with my sword, generally towards the upper-right of their torso (my right), although I did get some good cuts in as well.

Well, I don't know that I have much more to say right now. I'm going to go take a shower shortly.

And if I don't come back, I mean! if I get side-tracked, it's only cause I wanted to.

Thanks for visiting with me through entry five. If you have any tips on how to get energy really rushing (without chemical aids, thank you), let me know, I'm interested in hearing about it.
Ciao, Darlinks.
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