Public Service Announcement - For Those Who Must Undergo CBC

Oct 14, 2008 11:53

You need to fast 10 hours prior to the CBC (Complete Blood Count) Test. That means no eating and not even drinking (yes, not even water) within 10 hours before they stick a needle up your arm.

How do I know this? I had the misfortune of going to Accuserv Diagnostic Center, Inc. for my CBC and various chemistry, enzyme, endocrine and ultrasonography tests earlier--only to be told that I needed to fast for 10 hours. I called them up yesterday, inquiring about the test and the costs and they did not even bother to tell me this. Their Customer Service Module (if they have one) needs to be updated!

Another tip: When doing a urinalysis, you should catch the urine midstream, not in the initial release. For some reason, getting the initial urine release makes test results show that you have urinary tract infection.

public service

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