Mar 25, 2007 08:04
Totally new subject now! I meant to post this earlier, but I keep forgetting to. I finally got Johnny the Homicidal Maniac! I had Gabi at Oly Cards and Comics special order it for me, and she was lke "ok, but don't hold your breath for it to come in!"...but she ordered it anyway, and they had ONE copy! So it came in last weekend and I went and picked it up and I squeed! (that's the next one she's ordering for me...the spin-off, Squee.) It's the big compilation(The Director's Cut), and it's been out of print for over a year, so I am pretty lucky. there's some asshole (I believe he's a racist) talking about Al Sharpton and skinheads.....during breakfast. yeah, way to make people uncomfortable while they are supposed to be enjoying their time here. I wish I could say something.
Anyway, so Nny is finally part of my collection now, and I'm working on Lenore. I have the first 2 compilations (Wedgies and Noogies, I believe they are called). One more of that and then I will work on Emily the Strange. I have one of those books so far.
jhonen vasquez,