Stolen from sweetxpoison666
[ .xx. ] number: 7
[ .xx. ] clothing brand: none
[ .xx. ] shoes: the ones that look good on me!
[ .xx. ] saying: retard
[ .xx. ] tv show(s): Lost, Roseanne, 24, Desperate Housewives, Dead Like Me, Alias, others that I can't remember
[ .xx. ] sport: channel surfing
[ .xx. ] vegetable: most of them
[ .xx. ] fruit: most of them
[ .xx. ] movie: Fuck.......WAY too, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for one though.
[ .xx. ] magazine: Rolling Stone
[ .xx. ] candy: chocolate lol
[ .xx. ] gum: anythign that tastes good?
[ .xx. ] scent: my kids when they had a fresh bath
[ .xx. ] candy bar: anything chocolate
[ .xx. ] ice cream: anything chocolate
[ .xx. ] color: purple
[ .xx. ] season: Spring, Autumn, Winter
[ .xx. ] holiday: Christmas
[ .xx. ] band: WAY too many...AFI, Alice cooper, Metallica, Razed in Black, VNV Nation, The Beatles,etc......
[ .xx. ] singer: Alice Cooper, Stevie Nicks, Elvis
[ .xx. ] group: is that like a 'band' that doesn't play their own instruments? (I agree with beej)
[ .xx. ] rapper: I hate rap
[ .xx. ] type of music: anything but country and gospel
[ .xx. ] thing in your room: Jason
[ .xx. ] place to be: home with my family
[ .xx. ] radio station: I hate the radio
[ .xx. ] tv channel: IFC, AMC, Cartoon, Nick, Nicktoons, GSN, TVLand
[ .xx. ] junk food: popcorn
[ .xx. ] overall food: hmm...lots.
[ .xx. ] store: Hot Topic, Best Buy, Suncoast,
[ .xx. ] sneaker brand: don't care
[ .xx. ] fast food: none...yuck
[ .xx. ] restaurant: Olive Garden, Red Lobster or Outback
[ .xx. ] shape: heart?
[ .xx. ] time of day: whenever I'm off work
[ .xx. ] country: Italy
[ .xx. ] state: Washington
[ .xx. ] boys name: Kyle, Kevin, Jason
[ .xx. ] girls name: Persephone Breahna Ray
[ .xx. ] mall: Capital Mall because it's closest to me....but I also love Westlake Mall in downtown Seattle.
[ .xx. ] video game: Final fantasy and mario
[ .xx. ] shampoo: I change my shampoo every time I buy it because my hair gets immune to it
[ .xx. ] board game: any trivial pursuit, but especially the 90's and 80's ones....I kick ass
[ .xx. ] computer game: World of wArcraft...yes, Jason got me to play and I like it.
[ .xx. ] car: 1964 1/2 Mustang
[ .xx. ] music video: right now I love Wake Me When September Ends...I cry at it.
[ .xx. ] swear word: motherfucker or bitch
[ .xx. ] word: retard
[ .xx. ] month: all of them....I don't care.
[ .xx. ] cartoon character: Tigger.
[ .xx. ] scary movie: there's no such thing.
[ .xx. ] linkin park or limp bizkit: Linkin Park
[ .xx. ] tool or korn: TOOL
[ .xx. ] selena or jennifer lopez: neither
[ .xx. ] hot or cold: cold
[ .xx. ] winter or summer: winter
[ .xx. ] spring or fall: both
[ .xx. ] shakira or britney: Shakira
[ .xx. ] icp or eminem: Eminem
[ .xx. ] marilyn manson or rob zombie: Rob Zombie
[ .xx. ] kittie or garbage: garbage
[ .xx. ] mtv or vh1: VH1 cuz they play videos
[ .xx. ] football or basketball: football if I have to choose.
[ .xx. ] summer olympics or winter olympics: neither
[ .xx. ] skiing or snowboarding: neither
[ .xx. ] rollarblading or skateboarding: neither
[ .xx. ] black or white: black
[ .xx. ] orange or red: Red
[ .xx. ] yellow or green: green
[ .xx. ] purple or pink: purple
[ .xx. ] slipknot or mudvayne: neither
[ .xx. ] hot topic or pac sun: HT
[ .xx. ] inside or outside: inside
[ .xx. ] weed or alcohol: good a good glass of wine..I hate hard alcohol.
[ .xx. ] cell phone or pager: cell
[ .xx. ] pen or pencil: pen
[ .xx. ] powerpuff girls or charlie's angels: PPG
[ .xx. ] scooby doo or dino: Scooby
[ .xx. ] dragon ball or pokemon: neither
[ .xx. ] star wars or star trek: both lol
[ .xx. ] tattoos or piercings: both
[ .xx. ] prep or punk: punk
[ .xx. ] slut or whore: whores get paid, so the question is, who's smarter?
[ .xx. ] do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: boyfriend
[ .xx. ] do you have a crush: yes
[ .xx. ] do you love anyone right now: yes
[ .xx. ] have you ever been in love: yes
[ .xx. ] how many hearts have you broken: ex-husband, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat, the retard.
[ .xx. ] how many people broke your heart: ex-husband...when I realized what an ass he is.
[ .xx. ] best quote to sum up love: Love is a many splendored thing
[ .xx. ] do you go by looks or personality: personality
[ .xx. ] ever kiss a friend: yes
[ .xx. ] are you still friends: yes
[ .xx. ] do you smoke: yes
[ .xx. ] do you smoke weed: hell no
[ .xx. ] ever trip on acid: LONG time ago.....over 10 years ago...never ever ever ever ever do that....way stupid.
[ .xx. ] how about a little x: no
[ .xx. ] crack, heroin, anything else: no heroin, no crack, but I've dabbled in others a LONG time ago....never do any of that either...very stupid.
[ .xx. ] beer good or beer bad: good.....but only to cook with
[ .xx. ] are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: I don't drink hardly ever so I guess not.
[ .xx. ] prefer beer or liquor: depends on what I'm cooking
[ .xx. ] what kind of cigarettes do you smoke: Marlboro Menthol Lights...I will never smoke generics.
[ .xx. ] are you a virgin: I have 2 children, and it sure as hell wasn't the Immaculate Conception!
[ .xx. ] bungee jump: no
[ .xx. ] sky dive: no
[ .xx. ] swim with dolphins: yes
[ .xx. ] scuba dive: no
[ .xx. ] go rock climbing: no
[ .xx. ] eat shit for $1,000,000: not even for a billion dollars....I have limits.
[ .xx. ] turn your back on your friends for personal gain: no
[ .xx. ] steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: no way
[ .xx. ] lie to the police: only to get out of a traffic ticket.
[ .xx. ] run from the police: I've done that...again...a LONG time ago...yes, I was incredibly stupid once.
[ .xx. ] lie to your parents: I have a LONG time ago....but now, no I wouldn't
[ .xx. ] walk up to a stranger and kiss them: not unless I was single.
[ .xx. ] be an exotic dancer: If I was single, had no kids, and a perfect body? Sure why's good money.
[ .xx. ] streak: it sounds like fun, but that is so 1970's
[ .xx. ] best friend: Leabers, Jason, my parents, Jason's mom and sister, Tana
[ .xx. ] known longest: Tana
[ .xx. ] wish you talked to more: Tana, Leabers
[ .xx. ] wish you saw more: Everyone from first question except Jason...I see him every day...any more than that and we'd be permanently attached to each other.
[ .xx. ] how many friends do you think you have: Just enough for me.
[ .xx. ] who drives you insane after a while: only myself.
[ .xx. ] who can you stay around forever and never get sick of: all my friends.
[ .xx. ] ever lose a good friend because you took it to the 'next level': almost, years ago, but no.
[ .xx. ] craziest: Leabers
[ .xx. ] loudest: Nate
[ .xx. ] shyest: Michelle
[ .xx. ] best hair: Jason
[ .xx. ] can always make you laugh: all of them
[ .xx. ] best eyes: ?
[ .xx. ] most athletic: Gary
[ .xx. ] hot tempered: ?
[ .xx. ] most impatient: hmm, me.
[ .xx. ] shortest: me
[ .xx. ] tallest: Leabers, James, Doug
[ .xx. ] talented: ?
[ .xx. ] best liar: ?
[ .xx. ] skinniest: Gary or Bryan
[ .xx. ] nicest: all of em
[ .xx. ] best personality: all of them
[ .xx. ] biggest drug user: yeah whatever.
[ .xx. ] flashed someone: probably when I was on a drunken binge when I was way young and stupid.
[ .xx. ] told the person you liked how you felt: Yeah
[ .xx. ] been to michigan: no
[ .xx. ] gotten really REALLY wasted: yes
[ .xx. ] gone to jail or juvi: yes
[ .xx. ] skateboarded: no
[ .xx. ] skinny dipped: no
[ .xx. ] stolen anything: yes
[ .xx. ] kicked someone's ass: no not really
[ .xx. ] pegged someone in the head with a snowball: don't remember
[ .xx. ] broke a beer bottle: yeah
[ .xx. ] gotten into a bar, under-aged: no way....I STILL get carded for everything and I'm 31
[ .xx. ] kissed someone of the same sex:: no
[ .xx. ] flipped someone off: today as a matter of fact.
[ .xx. ] gone on a road trip: yes
[ .xx. ] gone on vacation without adult supervision: do I count as adult supervision?
[ .xx. ] been to a concert: yes
[ .xx. ] been to another country: no
[ .xx. ] talked back to an adult: yes
[ .xx. ] got pulled over: yes
[ .xx. ] got in a car accident: no
[ .xx. ] broke a law: yes, but dont' tell
[ .xx. ] given money to a homeless person: no, and I won't....they don't need my money to get drunk....I'll buy them food instead if that's what they want.
[ .xx. ] cried to get out of trouble: almost...I didn't need to...flirting with the state trooper did the job.
[ .xx. ] kissed a friend's brother or sister: no...uncle's best friend though (did more with him too!!! :P)
[ .xx. ] kissed a brother or sister's friend: I'm an only child....
[ .xx. ] dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways: 5 second rule!
[ .xx. ] what do you think...about pop music: I don't
[ .xx. ] about boy bands: please god make it stop
[ .xx. ] about flag burning: American's shouldn't do that.
[ .xx. ] of the war on terrorists: Umm..yeah, I choose not to discuss my view on that, we'll be here all night and I'm tired.
[ .xx. ] about suicide: chickenshits do that.
[ .xx. ] about people who try to force their opinions on you: I don't listen to them, they need a life.
[ .xx. ] about abortion: Personally, I think it's wrong and I would never do it.....but I can't tell other people what to do to their bodies.
[ .xx. ] about rock/metal music: it's really the only kind of music.
[ .xx. ] where do you think you'll be in 10 years: probably in wyoming.
[ .xx. ] who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: all of them. True friends never fade.
[ .xx. ] last birthday: went to a meeting at work.
[ .xx. ] yesterday: worked.
[ .xx. ] last weekend: worked and went school clothes shopping for my kids with my parents.
[ .xx. ] christmas: at my mom and dad's
[ .xx. ] thanksgiving: ummm, wtf DID I do? I don't remember...I think we stayed home.
[ .xx. ] new year's eve: lit sparklers with my kids..I personally could care less about new years.
[ .xx. ] halloween: trick or treating with my kids.
[ .xx. ] easter: I believe I worked.
[ .xx. ] valentine's day: worked.
[ .xx. ] thing you ate: mac n' cheese.
[ .xx. ] thing you drank: diet coke with splenda
[ .xx. ] thing you wore: my nightshirt.
[ .xx. ] place you went: the store to buy cigarettes.
[ .xx. ] thing you got pierced/tattooed: ears...when I was 12
[ .xx. ] person you saw: Jason and my kids, Doug, Hunter (front desk girl), James, customers.
[ .xx. ] person you talked to: Doug online, Jason in person.
[ .xx. ] song you heard: Cosby show theme song.
[ .xx. ] what are you eating: nothing.
[ .xx. ] what are you drinking: Diet coke with Splenda
[ .xx. ] what are you wearing: nightshirt.
[ .xx. ] any shoes on: no
[ .xx. ] hair: yes I have hair.
[ .xx. ] listening to: Cosby show on nick at nite
[ .xx. ] talking to anyone: not now.
[ .xx. ] are you a vegetarian: no way!
[ .xx. ] do you like cows: dead and smothered with mushrooms...yum yum.
[ .xx. ] are you a bitch: I think so, but no one else does...I need to work on that.
[ .xx. ] are you artistic: I try, but sadly, no.
[ .xx. ] do you write poetry: no, I barely like to read it.
[ .xx. ] are you a fast runner: not since I was 18
[ .xx. ] can you ski: no
[ .xx. ] are you british: 1/6th
[ .xx. ] do you want to spear britney: no...let her raise her child in peace and maybe she'll go away.
[ .xx. ] do the voices talk to you: yes, but I ignore them.
[ .xx. ] did you ever give barbie a haircut: yes, and much more mutilations.
[ .xx. ] would you eat mac &cheese with hot dogs in it: only when I'm desperatly's gross.
[ .xx. ] do you think disney creators were on acid when they made 'alice in wonderland: Disney? no. Lewis Carroll? yes.
[ .xx. ] are you ½ stupid, ¼ insane, and another ¼ physically handicapped: no, not really, and what's the point of this question?
[ .xx. ] are you short: I guess....people say I am
[ .xx. ] are you tall: no
[ .xx. ] do you own a hot pink shirt: no
[ .xx. ] how about orange pants: no
[ .xx. ] can you see the flying monkeys: of course...why, can't you?
[ .xx. ] are you evil: NO....who told you? They're lying.
[ .xx. ] did you ever know someone who had a mullet: in the 80's...shut up....everyone did.
[ .xx. ] do you like marilyn manson: some of it has a good beat and good rhythm, but I wouldn't BUY an album of his.
[ .xx. ] are you secretly from another planet: is my dad. We were sent here to observe you stupid earthlings.
[ .xx. ] if you could be any animal, what would you be: cat
[ .xx. ] if you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be: Pizza, because you can put anything on it, and so my diet would still be well-rounded
[ .xx. ] do you remember any of your dreams: for a short while.
[ .xx. ] do you dream in color or black and white: both
[ .xx. ] do you admit when you need help with a problem: yes
[ .xx. ] can people read you like a book: yeah, I don't hide anything.
[ .xx. ] what's your biggest fear: losing my family and friends.
[ .xx. ] do you talk a lot: i guess.
[ .xx. ] are you afraid of clowns: I absolutely am terrified of them...they are creepy and evil.
[ .xx. ] do you like spiders: HELL no.....I'm terrified of those too....
[ .xx. ] how about grape kool-aid: I hate kool-aid
[ .xx. ] can you drive: yes, and quite well!
[ .xx. ] are you spoiled: yes, very.
[ .xx. ] are you anti-social: somewhat.
[ .xx. ] do you see dumb people: I live in Shelton, wAshington...'nuff said.
[ .xx. ] do you see dead people: no, and I don't think I want to.
[ .xx. ] do you like mashed potatoes and gravy: who doesn't?
[ .xx. ] Amanda: Bynes.
[ .xx. ] George: Daddy
[ .xx. ] Mike: and Ikes.
[ .xx. ] Chelsea: Clinton
[ .xx. ] Eric: Clapton
[ .xx. ] William: Prince of Wales.
[ .xx. ] Brian: wrong spelling, but Other.
[ .xx. ] Jenna: Jamesson
[ .xx. ] Michelle: Yarbrough
[ .xx. ] Kristina: Ricci
[ .xx. ] Katie: Holmes...I can't stand her..she's retarded
[ .xx. ] Lindsay: Lohan
[ .xx. ] Max:'s a character in a book I'm reading right now. (The Lake House by James Patterson)
[ .xx. ] Rachel: the whore from friends.
[ .xx. ] Greg: Allman
[ .xx. ] Magey:?
[ .xx. ] Sara: Smile (don't ask)
[ .xx. ] Harriet:the Spy
[ .xx. ] David: duchovney
[ .xx. ] Edgar: Rice Burroughs
[ .xx. ] Mark: my uncle
[ .xx. ] Damian: The Omen
[ .xx. ] Derek:Pedro offers you his protection.
[ .xx. ] Ali: Prince Ali, fabulous he, Ali Ababwa...or something like that.
[ .xx. ] Justin: Timbersnake.
[ .xx. ] Danni:?
[ .xx. ] Megan: ?
[ .xx. ] Danielle:Steel...terrible schlocky romance author that my mom loves.
[ .xx. ] Jason: gee, I don't know.....
[ .xx. ] Andrew: Some guy I work with sort of...he's somewhat of a supervisor but is never there.
[ .xx. ] Christian: Bale
[ .xx. ] Nick: Carter...don't ask why..that's just the first think I thought of.
[ .xx. ] Alexis: Arquette
[ .xx. ] Aaron: Jason and Breahna's brother.
[ .xx. ] Ashley: Lip-syncing.
[ .xx. ] Tyler: Kevin.
[ .xx. ] Kayla: ?
[ .xx. ] Melissa:my neighbor and friend.
[ .xx. ] Sandi: and Danny from Grease.
[ .xx. ] Matt: ?