Mar 29, 2007 06:23
Sometimes life takes you by the ass and makes you choose a direction. For so long, I've been unsure of the direction that my life has been taking as far as a career goes, but I've finally decided what I'm going to be when I grow up.
Effective in May, I will be starting college to pursue my Associates of Science to become a Registered Nurse.
Back in 1997, I had just met and moved in with Jason. When we first got together, I was working at Food World in Adamsville. When I moved in with him, I transferred to the one in Cullman where we lived. The management there was piss poor, so I got a job at Blockbuster Video where I worked for the next year. Despite the perks of having all kinds of movies at my disposal, I knew I wanted to find a job with a career path and retail just wasn't going to cut it. I went to the employment office and the lady that helped me there, unbeknownst to her, changed my life. She set me up on an interview with a nursing home to start classes as a nursing assistant. I got hired and began the classes a couple of weeks later.
At first, I didn't like my job. The pay sucked for the back breaking work that you did, but as I learned more, I began to enjoy working in the medical field. Over the next ten years, I worked at various and sundry places and in both long term care and hospitals. My experience has been invaluable and though it's been a tough road, it's something that I wouldn't give anything in the world for.
My work schedule will be 7p-7a on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and I'll be attending school on the other days. It's going to be a tough two years, but I know I can do it. I refuse to accept anything less.
I'm excited, scared, nervous and thrilled all at the same time!