Jun 16, 2009 23:34
So, since I can't seem to remember to update this thing with anything interesting (and it is rare I think anything going on in my life is interesting), I figured I might as well rant about games that I have tried out recently. I by no means promise to be funny or entertaining, though if I am, then by all means, YAY. But at least I'll have not continued to ignore this thing for... what? A year?
I am a gamer geek. I own a PS2, PS3, XBOX 360, DS, PSP, Gamecube and WII. I do not have the Dsi yet, just a light, nor the 3000 PSP, just the slim, but I still bloody own one. All I need now is an original xbox and I'll be set. Or maybe to pull out my poor old Sega Genesis. I miss the little thing.
So, I tried own Damnation on the PS3. Done by codemasters, it's for both PS3 and 360. (By the way, what is it with companies and making their systems have numbers instead of real names? Seriously.) Now, I pride and curse myself for being particularly stubborn about once I start something, be it movie or game, I MUST continue to play it at least for a few hours.
I got ten minutes into Damnation.
First off, it's a Gears of War rip off. The combat system functions much the same way. Second, why in hell do I have to stop fighting just to go save my stupid ally who decides he's a MORON and wants to stand there getting shot until he falls over?! Ee gads, if you're going to stand there getting a direct injection of lead poisoning, why do I have to come pull you back up to your feet just so you can do it again?! >_< And on that note, is my main character some sort of amazing healer? My companion takes two clips of amunition to fall over, and then cries for me to come help him, and the moment i touch him, oh! He's amazingly back on his feet again!
WHAT?! And on that note of lead deficiency, why is it that enemies take all the bullets in your care, a truck, AND the kitchen sink to kill? I mean, even on easy, the first enemies are tap dancing on my companions' corpses while I'm trying desperately to find another pointy rock to throw at them.
*sigh* I really wanted to like Damnation. It's supposed to be an awesome Western/Steampunk style game, but it just cries to be rolled over, shot, and put down like the rabid dog it is.
Metaphorically speaking.