65 years ago today

Aug 06, 2010 09:32

I think I was around 9 years old when we read the book "Sadako and the 1000 paper cranes" in school. It was about a little girl who lived in Hiroshima at the time the atombomb was dropped. While most of her neighbors died, she wasn't injured. At least not in a way that could be seen. But when she was in 7th grade she was struck down by leukemia, a blood cancer resulting from the radiation of the bomb. From a friend she heard of the legend that if you fold a thousand paper cranes, your greatest wish will come true. So she started folding the cranes, wishing that she would become well again. She never did get to a thousand.

The sadness of her story has never left me. And every year since I read that book, on this day I remember it. Because it was today, 65 years ago that the first atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and the second one three days later on Nagasaki.

The two bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki are to this day the only nuclear weapons ever used in war, and I hope that it will forever remain that way.

Never again.

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